
Training,ArcadeorMissionmode:picktheonethatsuitsyouthemostwithover15differentshipsowningtheirownstats,weaponryandspecialattacks.,AboutThisGame·Supports1-2players(offline)·Newshipdamagesystem(useshealthbar,notlives)·3distinctshipswithdifferentDefense,Mobility, ...,Raiden系列是一款经典的街机射击游戏,最初由SeibuKaihatsu开发制作,如今又推出了四款续作合集,带您重温经典,畅快体验射击游戏的魅力。,25...

Raiden Legacy

Training, Arcade or Mission mode: pick the one that suits you the most with over 15 different ships owning their own stats, weaponry and special attacks.

Raiden V

About This Game · Supports 1 - 2 players (offline) · New ship damage system (uses health bar, not lives) · 3 distinct ships with different Defense, Mobility, ...

Steam 上的Raiden Legacy

Raiden系列是一款经典的街机射击游戏,最初由Seibu Kaihatsu开发制作,如今又推出了四款续作合集,带您重温经典,畅快体验射击游戏的魅力。


25年前雷電街機版延續之射擊遊戲熱潮。易學難精的系列以最新姿態來到PC平台上!戰局持續不斷,為地球未來而戰。 所有評論:. 褒貶不一 (235) - 235 篇使用者評論中 ...


Raiden V: Director's Cut | 雷電V Director's Cut | 雷電V:導演剪輯版. 開發人員 ... 購買Raiden V. 特別促銷!剩餘時間11:21:49. -70%. $29.99. $8.99. 加入購物車. 鑑賞家 ...